Why Is That

Boogie Down Productions

Verse One

The day begins with a grin

And a prayer to excuse my sins

I can walk anywhere I choose

Cause everybody listens to the B.D.P. crew

We're not here for glamour or fashion

But here's the question I'm askin

Why is it young black kids taught {flashin?}

They're only taught how to read write and act

It's like teachin a dog to be a cat

You don't teach white kids to be black

Why is that? Is it because we're the minority?

Well black kids follow me

Genesis chapter eleven verse ten

Explains the geneology of Chem

Chem was a black man, in Africa

If you repeat this fact they can't laugh at ya

Genesis fourteen verse thirteen

Abraham steps on the scene

Being a descendent of Chem which is a fact

Means, Abraham too was black

Abraham born in the city of a black man

Called Nimrod grandson of Kam

Kam had four sons, one was named Canaan

Here, let me do some explaining

Abraham was the father of Isaac

Isaac was the father of Jacob

Jacob had twelve sons, for real

And these, were the children of Isreal

According to Genesis chapter ten

Egyptains descended from {Hahm,Kam}

Six hundred years later, my brother, read up

Moses was born in Egypt

In this era black Egyptians weren't right

They enslaved black Isrealites

Moses had to be of the black race

Because he spent fourty years in Pharoah's place

He passed as the Pharoah's grandson

So he had to look just like him

Yes my brothers and sisters take this here song

Yo, correct the wrong

The information we get today is just wack

But ask yourself, why is that?

Verse Two

The age of the ignorant rapper is done