My Beloved Enemy


i have to get out of this godforsaken dream

and it's time to see my beloved enemy

your loved ones are the ones that stab you in the back

among the family is the judas

betrayal and apostasy are the things

that come your way

when greed overrules the blood

and now that I see the real you and the real me

your share is my thorn, a jackal is born

your loved ones are the ones that stab you in the back

among the family is the judas

betrayal and apostasy are tne things

that come your way

when greed overrules the blood

what turns people into vultures?

is it greed or is it in the heart?

my beloved enemy

close enough to hit me where it hurts

when will you know that you cannot betray me

because the blood tells me to punish my enemy

your loved ones are the ones that stab you in the back

among the family is the judas

pain and misery will come their way

when vengeance overrules the sense

you have to get out of your godforsaken dream

and it's time to see your beloved enemy

what turns people into vultures?

is it greed or is it in the heart?

my beloved enemy

close enough to hit me where it hurts