Hot In The House Of God

My Ruin

With a heavy heart somebody said

Lets go our seperate ways

Our relationship is strained

In this the vital stage

There is a lack of confidence

and you can feel our stress

a need for truth

Time to decide

what is and what is not best

FAITH- subject to change...FOR-GIVE-far too late

FATE-end of your game...HOT IN THE HOUSE OF GOD...IRAGE!

With a question left

I will confess

Put my mind

and past to rest

Termination of our trust

Friendships end

and this one must

The time has come

To make our move

and we can see

What we can't prove

The little things

that make no sense

Have all built up

to be immense

FAITH- subject to change...FOR-GIVE-far too late

FATE-end of your game...HOT IN THE HOUSE OF GOD...IRAGE!

FAITH- subject to change...FOR-GIVE-far too late

FATE-end of your game...HOT-IN-THE-HOUSE-OF-GOD

Nothings the same

Everythings changed

FAITH- subject to change...FOR-GIVE-far too late

FATE-end of your game...HOT IN THE HOUSE OF GOD...IRAGE!

FAITH- subject to change...FOR-GIVE-far too late

FATE-end of your game...HOT-IN-THE-HOUSE-OF-GOD

Nothings the same

Nothings the same

For every minute you spend angry...

You waste 60 senconds of happiness!