Beer Shampoo

Frank Zappa & the Mothers

Mark: That's the kind of guy [...]

Aynsley: When you just stopped it was running on your head

Howard: Well I had to do an Edward Arnold slow-burn, man, there was nothing else I could do, 'cept play it for all it was worth

Aynsley: I said the only other thing to do is go get another can of beer and pour it over HIS head . . .

Howard: Well, it was already getting silly, man. I mean, it was remedial as it is, I think . . .

FZ: Ha ha!

Howard: Let's not make it too childish

Aynsley: [...]

Mark: Every night for a year and a half, man, no matter how sick I was, or how I felt on stage . . .

?: Howie [...]

Mark: He, I used to sing, he used to sing "How is the weather" in "Happy Together" and pour a whole glass of water over my head, man, and he liked it so much that he made it an integral part of the show, the kids loved it, so I just let it keep happening

Aynsley: He can't stand it, man, that's all . . .

Mark: And you're just a pansy ass, kiss ass little girl . . .

?: Ha ha ha!

Mark: Simmons!

Howard: Beer is another thing, man! I'm fucking soaked!

Mark: They use beer in some shampoos, Howard

Howard: I don't give a shit, that's all I know it that water would dry up and not stain, and he ruined my shoes, man! I can't believe it

?: Ohhh!

Mark: Materialist!

Howard: Hey lookit, Pat McGregor!

Mark: Materialistic! Materialistic!

Howard: You're the dude who said . . .


FZ: Oh oh oh!

Mark: Materialist!

?: Ohhh

Howard: Don't do it to you, I don't have any beer, man

Aynsley: Okay

Mark: "New York's so lonely . . . "

Howard: I can't even . . . you keep your hands off me you creep

Mark: "And you are the only . . . "

Jeff: You creep, ha ha!

Howard: Stop it, man!