
Dog Eat Dogma

Twisted metal skeletons

busted bones of broken dragons

slain and scattered in the sand

rust in peace in toxic wasteland

taste of acid ... kiss of death

silent whispers of divine breath

on my lips... apocalypse

the party's over

it's... necropolis!

through the fields of shattered glass

running barefoot... laughing... careless

ghosts of murdered children play

on the cracked and battered freeway

flowers dead before they bloom

in the shadow of the mushroom

ignorance is total bliss

nothing matters

it's... necropolis!

man commits atrocity

bleeding phony tears of pity

sodomy and sabotage

smiling corpses piled like garbage

blinded eyes of idol gods

see no madness in their methods

no one knows what time it is

now or never

it's... necropolis!