

Wake up child don't be afraid

I'll be here every night and all day

don't look sad ain't nothing you can do

you're born unto me a part of you

I.O.U. you're what I got

I own you that counts for a lot

listen child don't you know

til your old enough what I say is so

night has come so be brave

mommie's asleep now it's time to play

here in our home we call our home

with all you sick freely roam

who force themselves upon their own

can you deny it's going on

don't you cry you've done nothing wrong

just keep daddy smiling

it's the way things are done

it's alright we've done this before

now turn of the lights and close the door

now child who are you gonna tell

it's our little secret

we'll take straight to hell

and you can't deny me not if you love me

I've done so much for you it's your turn

to give me time to give me