Wonderful World

Three Impotent Males

The homeless in the street can't find a fuckin place to sleep

As the political criminal turns up the thermostat

Someone scrapes the bottom of the barrel just to eat

And we all become so fat

We're so fuckin stupid we don't give back what we take

We frown on the less fortunate and poor

No one cried when the homeless guy died

Apparently if you're famous it matters more

It is a wonderful world we live in

As long as we're protected from the outside

Fairy tale wonderland

Stand alone don't understand

As our souls slowly died

Bang bang bang three shots rin out

Someone's son was just taken out

At twelve years old that's no way to go

He was black who gives a fuck

Pile back into the police truck

Who did it we will never know

I'll play the cards that I've been dealt

But I'll always have an ace in the hole

Your fuckin perfect fairy tale land is spinning out of control

It's a wonderful world