Send In The Clones

Three Impotent Males

Send in the clones I send my regards

Yet, I find it so hard to see

Someone say fuck the system a popular mentality, opposing reality

Because you keep striving for the top, (you never stop)

We vote we rock the vote but we don't ever rock the boat

We are afraid of the results of our actions on TV

Infecting me subliminally, erotically

Intentionally fucking with our minds

The generation after gen X

Our society is based on gratuitous sex

And a play-dough revolution perfectly molded

A fun factory of lies,

With hate in our eyes who needs to grow old

We are Canadian you and me and if you think we are really free

Sit down and shut your fucking mouth

You say anachy this and anarchy that

Yet you work with the system that you attack

Your convictions are thrown aside

Quite readily you join the clones