Black Trip


I've chosen the dark. I've chosen the night

I've lost hope of loving a day of life

The shades of night belong to me

I am at one with hell

Dead inside, I watch the time pass

I await the coming of my day

My journeys are always within me

There where is found the bottomless pit

Where, there in I plunge. Always a little deeper

There, in that other world where only unity is harmony

Sheltered from the regard and the rules of men

Their color is absent. Light is black

Enemies of the sun, the phantoms of the shadows

Have taught me to delight in horror

Faces without eyes, and silent lips

Float in the immensity of empty space

A sweet melancholy fills my heart Life as a whole seems


Silence is so pure, so profound that it intoxicates

The emptiness, annihilates all

And Nothingness takes it place