Bahagia dengan Berkarya


Terlalu banyak keinginanmu
(Your wishes are to much)

Sedang tiap keinginan melahirkan duka
(While every desire gives birth to sorrow)

Waktu persinggahan pun tak seberapa
(The stopover time is very sort)

Apa saja jatahmu pasti datang kepadamu
(Whatever your rations will come to you)

Yang tak tertulis untukmu takkan sampai kepadamu
(What isn't written for you won't reach you)

Berbahagialah dengan berkarya
(Be happy by working)

Tak usah kau resahkan hasilnya
(You don't need to worry about the results)

Langit tetap biru meski awan kadang mengajak bercanda
(The sky is still blue even though the clouds sometimes make jokes)

Laut juga biru meski malam rajin mengunjunginya
(The sea is still blue even though the night is diligent to visit it)