The Meaning Of Life

Monty Python

Why are we here , what's life all about ?

Is God really real , or is there some doubt ?

Well tonight we're going to sort it all out

For tonight it's the meaning of life

What's the point of all this hoax ?

Is it the chicken and the egg time , are we just yolks

Ore perhaps we're just one of Gods little jokes

Well ça c'est the meaning of life

Is life just a game where we make up the rules

While we're searching for something to say

Ore are we just simply spiralling coils

Of self-replicating DNA ?

In this life , what is our fate ?

Is there Heaven and Hell ?

Do we reincarnate ?

Is mankind evolving or is it too late ?

Well tonight it's the meaning of life

For millions this life is a sad vale of tears

Sitting round with nothing to say

While scientists say we're just simply spiralling coils

Of self-replicating DNA

So just why , why are we here ?

And just what , what , what , what do we fear ?

Well çe soir , for a chance , it will all be made clear

For this is the meaning of life

-c'est le sens de la vie , this is the meaning of life