
Meg Hutchinson

There are whirlpools in the deep

Riptides on the shore and tornadoes in the drain

You know a bad one's coming when there's been a yellow rain

It's been a torrential kind of day

And the thunder is loud

If we don't get blown away first

We are sure to get drowned

There is hot air rising and doorknob clouds

Dorothy get out of here somehow

Find your dog and seek shelter underground or you'll go

Round and round, round and round and here we go again

What new news do you bring?

We've covered this ground before

Beaten this dead horse

You're the cat in my head, chasing it's tail

The Indy 500, colliding with the guardrail

I am a thousand revolving doors, a prisoner of centrifugal force

A galaxy orbiting a grey sun, trying, trying to move on...

Pinwheels, twisters, clockwork and trains

From the new verse we always, always go, back to the same refrain

From the need for comfort to the terror of change