Girl's Song

Meg Hutchinson

Night rides in on a calcium moon

We drive down to the water

To meet the green river's edge

Poetry, vanilla candles in the firefly dim

Sisters two on the cold sand

Where the tornado's swum before

Naked in our love, in our breath

Naked in the June air

Wade into the deep

Into the jade of sky

We sing the girl song

She and I and I and she

Saw I an old man young or a young man old?

Saw I an old man young or a young man old?

No matter No matter No Matter

Wash now, make your body sweet

Nurtured by the sailing moon

She shall love, my soul as though

Body were not all and all were not body

Ripples emerald from my child limbs

Shimmer whisper onto stone

I am but a small pebble in these water rings

Floating in, these cool fish pools of evening