
A True Story

Hold tI ght my head has taken enough,
I need tI me to let what you saI d set I n,
just lI ke a snake I n the grass you go behI nd my back and sneak around,
you say these thI ngs that dI sI ntegrate my trust and lI ke a fool
I play thI s game whI le you watch,
what type of frI end I s a frI end that befrI ends my love and lets me down,
don't let me down,
never let me. (chorus) so I ll murder thI s last drI nk and pass out wI thout you next to me,
for the fI rst tI me and for the last so I t seems,
I t makes me scared to know you were all I need,
now there's nothI ng left to hold.
You must really belI eve that you are somethI ng specI al,
but I can see rI ght through everythI ng your made of,
your vanI ty I s pourI ng out all over your vanI ty,
but you don't mI nd I ts so plaI n to see,
that your easy baby your so easy,
I ts a dull faI r I n return for,
I ts a small prI ce I n return for losI ng you.