The Guy Upstairs is such a freak,
for five years now I've had leak.
What does he do up there?
All day long he "sleeps all day"
then he goes out and comes home
in the most intoxicated way.
As far as I can tell, he juggles bowling ball
but he's not good at it
He moves his furniture then at six am
he pulls out the vacuum cleaner
to suck his room
The guy downstaires is also crazy,
he spent some time in an institute.
It did him not much good.
He's off his medication
and he starts screaming,
"Virgin Mary, you fucking alian!"
According to him Jesus Christ smokes crack
and other sundry things.
But it's the man upstairs who pulls there strings,
won't let me sleep.
Please kill that man upstairs.
If you ever loved me, you''ll do this one thinh,
won't you sweetheart?
Please, murder the man upstairs. If you want to be my friend
you'll have to prove you mean it.
I used to think that rent control was a good idea
until I moved in here, Now I'm the only suckr
paying more then a hundred bucks a room.
And I'm surronded by luatics that don't
even need a moon.
But it's the man upstairs who pulls the strings
won't let me sleep
Then there's the lady across the hall
who always knows what's going on
and Machu Pinchu down the stairs
who is selling crack from door to door.
14B are refugees and 14A transvestite whores,
but you know who is coming home.
He's falling up his drunken stairs.
...if you want to be my friend
you'll help me get a good night sleep.