Blush Response



"Do you like our owl?"


"Is it artificial?"


"Of course it is"


"Must be expensive"




"I'm Rachel"




"Its seems you feel our work is not a benefit to the public"


"Replicants are like any other machines"

"They are either a benefit or a hazard"

"If they're a benefit, it's not my problem"


"May I ask you a personal question?"




"Have you ever retired a human, by mistake?"


"No" [Rachel:]

"but in your position that is a risk"


"Is this to be an empathy test?"

"Capilary dilation of the so called blush response"

"... fluctuation of the pupil"

"Involuntary dilation of the iris"


"We call it Voight-Kampf for short"

[note: named after the people who developed this test]


"Mr. Deckard, Dr. Elden Tyrell"


"Demonstrate it. I want to see it work"


"Were is the subject?"


"I want to see it work on a person"

"I want to see a negative before I provide you with a positive"


"What's that gonna prove?"


"Indulge me"

[Deckard:] "on you?"


"Try her"