
Trespassers William

When you know it's the last dance

When you'd catch up but you can't

In this circle where I stay

You at just a reach away and

When it tries to flicker back

Try to break it, try to laugh

Oh and I'll never be sure

You say, there's nothing we could've done

Oh and this is mine, my way

The one waving at the train

Even long after I know

That it's moved too far away

And when you walk, you walk so fast

Couldn't you have just held back

Your eyes don't grab the way mine do

A last time to look at you

Oh and this is mine, my piece

So sad for clinging to

What if I forget your face

I couldn't even dream of you

Oh and this is mine, my way

The one waving at the train

Even long after I know

That it's moved too far away