Allright boys follow me,
Mostly an eight,
Stay with me now,
Listen up...
Mud grips, wide tip,
Cigar stickin' out of my face,
Earnhart racin' sticker on the window,
Four by four straight by door,
Primer and rust all over the door,
Scarred up knuckles,
White t-shirt,
Ain't afraid to work,
Got a 'what ya lookin' at pretty boy smirk'.
Cold beer,
Hot wings,
Wrangler, skoal ring,
Get just what you see,
Gone rag,
Ball cap,
Don't take no crap,
Ain't a pretty boy toy,
I'll rock you steady,
Rough and ready!
Work boots, one blue suit,
Size too small,
It won't wear at all,
Unless somebody's kids gets hitched,
It dont fit and makes me itch.
Up with the sun, off on the run,
Makin' money money 'cause I wanna have fun,
5 o'clock whistle,
Off like a missle,
Got a hot date,
Girl named Kate,
Thinks I'm cool, 'cause I shoot strait,
Ain't one thing 'bout her fate,
She's long and tall, and she goes great with...
Rough and ready baby,
ah here's Johnny!
Just like that,
ohh, there you go Brono,
Ain't never heard anything like that.
Well you are who you are, and that's allright with me but I am who I am, and that's all I can be!
Rough and ready!!
Rough and ready baby.
Ah, that's me and my buddies,
We're all just alike,
Hey! Watch this!
Well that didn't turn out too good,
You okay?
What'd you lookin' at?
Yea that's a real gun in that gun rack,
No I don't have a permitt for it,
You got a permitt to ask stupid questions like that?
You gotta go huntin' boy,
Get away from me.