God Has Not Forgot


God has not forgot (Repeat 4x)

If he said that he will do it it will come to pass god has not forgot, God has not forgot can help me say

God has not forgot (Repeat 4x)

If he said that he will do it it will come to pass god has not forgot, God has not forgot

Just keep on believing God has not forgot just keep on believing God has not forgot cause if he said that he will do it it will come to pass god has not forgot about you no god has not forgot choir help me say

Just keep on believing God has not forgot just keep on believing god has not forgot if he said that he will do it it will come to pass God has not forgot God has not forgot

Don't get discourage God has not forgot don't get discourage no god has not forgot cause if he said that he will do it I know that it will come to pass god has not forgot god has not not forgot can you help me say

Don't get discourage God has not forgot don't get discourage god has not forgot cause if he said that he will do it will come to pass God has not forgot god has not forgot.

God has not forgot (Repeat 4x)

wait on him wait on him wait on him wait on him you gotta wait wait on him they that wait upon the lord shall renew their strength they will mount up on wings as an eagle wait on him just wait on him he's not forgotten you no just keep on keep on believing he said jesus my daughter is dead jesus turned his head and said only believe only believe don't get discourage no be not weary and your will do in god has not forgot about you no he heard your cry yeah god said I've never seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging bread hey the devil is a liar the devil is a liar oh oh yeah yeah. Praise through your trials praise him through your test god has not forgot about you the devil is a liar praise him right now yeah.