Gee, Officer Krupke

The Jets


Dear kindly Seargant Krupke

Ya gotta understand

It's just our bringin' up-ke

That gets us outta hand

Our mothers all're junkies

Our fathers all're drunks

Golly moses, naturally we're punks


Gee, Officer Krupke

We're very upset

We never had the love that every child oughta get

We ain't no delinquents

We're misunderstood

Deep down inside us there is good


There is good!


There is good

There is good

There is untapped good

Like inside the worst of us is good


That's a touchin', good story!


Lemme tell it to the world!


Just tell it to da judge!


Dear kindly Judge Your Honor,

My parents treat me rough

With all the marijuana,

They won't give me a puff!

They didn't wanna have me,

But somehow I was had

Leapin' lizards, that's why I'm so bad!


Right! Officer Krupke, you're really a square!

This boy don't need a judge

He needs an analyst scare!

It's just his neurosis

That oughta be curbed

He's psychologically DISTURBED!


I'm disturbed!


We're disturbed

We're disturbed

We're the most disturbed

Like we're psychologically disturbed!


Hear ye, hear ye

In the opinion of this court,

This child is depraved

On account he ain't had a normal home.


Hey, I'm depraved on account I'm DEPRIVED!


*Hits Riff*

So take him to a head shrinker



Who, me?


My daddy beats my mommy

My mommy clobbers me

My grandpa is a commie

My grandma pushes tea

My sister wears a mustache

My brother wears a dress

Goodness gracious, that's why I'm a mess!

-Head Shrin