The Only Thing

Tamyra Gray

Pretty brown eyed girl

She's so sweet and naive

She met a boy fell in love

Carved their name out in a tree

What a perfect memory

There's a swing out by the creek

They would meet there

He put a rose in her hair

Then she kissed him on the cheek

Those were the days of innocence

When a boy just liked a girl

But we didn't know the difference

We were livin in our own world


All alone and then I close my eyes

I think back to that time of my life

When everything that meant anything was you

Messed things up grew up a little too fast

I knew it was much too good to last

Cuz the only thing that meant anything was you

After church one Sunday morning

Near the bottom of the stairs

Hair pressed a pretty white dress

Playing a game of truth or dare

I can still hear my momma saying

Child you need to pray

I knew it was wrong

But it's been so long

Since I felt that way

Those were the days of innocence

When a boy just liked a girl

But we didn't know the difference

We were livin in our own world


Starry skies under the moonlight

You and I two fireflies enchanted by the night

When I see a rainbow dance across the sky

I feel all warm inside

I get teary eyed

Makes me think about you and I
