Pleasure Seeker


Seeking out, peeking in

Looking for for a mortal sin.

I'm the pleasure seeker baby,

I'm the pleasure seeker.

All I want is a quick dose of love,

Not a relationship symbolised by a dove.

I want some loving, not a lover.

I really don't want an emotional cover.

I'm a pleasure seeker baby,

I'm a pleasure seeker.

I don't want a definate yes baby,

All I want is a maybe.

I don't want the emotional aftermath,

Just collect your stuff and get out.

You'll do me, for an hour or three.

But you'll be gone from my mind soon.

I'm just a pleasure seeker baby,

I don't want to love you.

I'm just a pleasuer seeker baby,

I don't want a love that is true.

I'm just a pleasure seeker baby,

I don't want to fall for you.

Don't look into my eyes,

I'd rather just die than to fall in love with you.

I'm just a pleasure seeker baby,

Don't take the news that hard.

I'm just a pleasere seeker baby,

Go away, and don't leave your heart.