Twice The First Time

Saul Williams


i will not rhyme on tracks

niggas on a chain gang used to do that (Huh!) way back

i will not rhyme over tracks

niggas on a chain gang used to do that (Huh!) way back

don't drop the beat on me

don't drop the beat no


i am not the son of sha klak klak

i am before that

i am before

i am before before before death is eternity after death is eternity

there is no death there's only eternity

and i be riding on the wings of eternity like



as if the heart beat wasn't enough

they got us using drum machines now

the hums of the machines

tryin to make our drums humdrums

tryin to ???? our magic

insturments be political prisioners up inside computers

as if the heart were not enough

as if the heart were not enough

and as heart beats bring percussions

fallen trees bring reprocussions

citys play upon our souls like broken drums

redrum the essence of creation from city slums

but city slums mute our drums and our drums become humdrums

cuz city slums have never been where our drums are from

just the place where our daughters and sons become

offbeat heartbeats

slaves to city streets

and hearts get broken and heartbeats stop

broken heartbeats become breakbeats for niggas to rhyme on top, but..

i won't rhyme on top no tracks

niggas on a chain gang used to do that (Huh) way back

i won't rhyme over tracks

niggas on a chain gang used to do that (Huh) way back

don't drop the beat no

don't drop the beat noooo

not untill you'