Super Brava


through the street lights and forfeited lanes

with a trunk full of everything that we could get

there is a place that´s safe

for those who know no better

that´s where we keep our hideout hidden

we´re travelling destinationless

with an open ticket for a one way trip

free of any expectations

and careless while they crack that whip

if the sun won´t come up tomorrow

this is where i want to be

no way of knowing how much time you have borrowed

so I'll try to keep mine free

we´re travelling destinationless

with an open ticket for a one way trip

free of any expectations

and careless while they crack that whip

what would you decide

when ignorance can be such bliss

you see a car full of zeros destined to die unsatisfied

i don´t need to know where we going

i can still enjoy the ride

we´re travelling destinationless

with an open ticket for a one way trip

free of any expectations

and careless while they crack that whip

what would you decide

when ignorance can be such bliss