
Sage Francis

"Nothing at last is sacred.

Oh how the great have fallen

What have I done to myself?

It's been way too long!"

We need to reacquaint.

Things are different now, I ain't the same man I was

Hi, how are you doing? I'm new and improved with even less to lose

A collector's edition version of a virgin drink ordering cocktail teller

Gone way wrong...to the point of no rerun

Over the edge and burned out before I even got my shine

Holding my head in pure doubt

Out of insight. Out of mindful things to shout or rhyme about

Yeah, I know I was supposed to change the world and all

But it looks like the world got to me first

If you can't beat em, join 'em..

Then hurt the team by beating yourself

I'm different...in a different way

The only thing that stays the same is change

While people claim their states, I state my claims

Sage Francis made a name for himself

For the record my mother calls me Paul

Which was my father's middle name, but Ray

Stepped in and raised me

It's crazy, but this is a game I play

called "Shut the fuck uuuuuuup!"

Don't bother calling me at all because I'm not answering

Is that a voice-mail-bomb-threat or a broken promise I'm mishandling?

Gambling away my money issues, somebody owes me big bucks

My career depends on explosive vacuums sucking me in and blowing me up

Poetry struck a nerve in the listenership

Spoken word then got 'em all interested

Now I don't have to serve ice cream to little kids

I serve emcees who think they're rippin' it

And poets who think they're somehow significant

Meanwhile both are loud and ignorant

And don't know how to speak to a crowd in an intimate environment

I am different. In a different way

The only thing that stays the same is change

While people claim their states, I state my claims

I'm a quiet natured player who outwardly hates the game

I shake what I got, which is