Unholy Warcry


"it was a good time for

all creatures of the earth,

but fate decreed that the dark

prophecy of a demonknight

could bring a tragic end to this peace

scarring their lives forever!

only one person could cross the

darklands surrounding hargor

and venture forth deep into

the caves of dark-kunor.

his is a name the world will never forget,

he is dargor."

the dark lies a secret he is sworn to return to avenge the lost divine wars.

algalord arise greater than before

time of peace not of war

shouts of freedom from the castle walls

freedom in the land and hope for all

hope for all

into the silent dark forgotten

caves of dark-kunor

deep in the secret book is awaiting

unholy warcry

nekron promised bloody terror

bringing death and pain

to the new world

from the rocky mountains

to the golden sea

to the barbarians' sacred hills

from the icy north and misty lakes

to the walls of seth and elvish plains

all beware!

into the silent dark forgotten

caves of dark-kunor

deep in the secret book is awaiting

unholy warcry

nekron promised bloody terror

bringing death and pain

to the new world

torment pain and bloody rain

nekron's resurrection

they must kill the demon king

or fight another war

"nekron would rule

in the unholy name of cosmic chaos

and this time he would reign supreme"

he is kron kron's disciple

he is sworn to return

to avenge the lost devine wars

there was only one who knew the way

he lived in the dark lonely caves

the demon of the night

could save the day

should they take a change or run away

dargor was his name!

into the silent dark forgotten

caves of dark-kunor

deep in the secret book is awaiting

unholy warcry

now they swore to band together

on a sacred journey

called by fate time to be great

unholy warcry

nekron promised bloody terror