Tutti Frutti

Pat Boone

Tutti FruttiPat BoonePeaked #12 on Febraury 4,1956#451 for the Top5000 of the Rock Era (55-94)Little Richard Peaked #17 on February 4,1956NOTE: Words and tune are the same on both versions, but Pat Boone's version is a much more subdued pace.A-Wop-bop-a-loo-lop a-lop-bam-booTutti Frutti, all over rootie,.....A-wop-bop-a-loo-lop a-lop bam booI got a gal, named Sue,She knows just what to do. .....I've been to the east, I'vebeen to the west, butshe's the galThat I love the best.Tutti Frutti, all over rootie,.....A-wop-bop-a-loo-lop a-lop bam booI got a gal, named Daisy,She almost drives me crazy ........She knows how to love me ,Yes indeedBoy you don't know,What she's doing to meTutti Frutti, all over rootie,.....A-wop-bop-a-loo-lop a-lop bam booI got a gal, named Daisy...Annotated & Submitted by Leon [email protected]