Yo Dre manI take this bitch out to the movies and shit man we're kissin'
and grindin' and shitso we hop in the back seatyou know manthis bitch
rubbin' all over my dick and frontin' like she's gonna give me the pussy
manand the bitch said 3 wordsman :
STOP NO and DON'T [oh shit]
You don't have to front on me dear[don't front me..]
So why don't you just give that pussy hair? [hehehe ahah]
If you'd be good to me, [yeah yeah]
ohh I'll be good to you, [ahahha]
and we'll both ride home in my automobile... [fuckin' head in this car]
All that I want is a little puss' [that's all he wants]
All that I want is just a little head [ahaha just a little bit]
If you'd be good to me, [good]
ohh I'll be good to you, [ah]
and we'll both ride home in my automobile...
You don't have to front on me bitch, [don't front on me muthafuckin' bitch]
Don't be afraid - it's only a dick [ahaha it's only a dick .. ]
Give up the pussy soon, [yeah soon]
All I want is a little, [little]
oh get your groopy ass up my hotel room [ahhhhhhhuuu]
oh get your groopy ass up my hotel room [get out get out...]
All I want is the pussy [ha!]
All I want is the pussy [pussy]
All I want is the pussy [godamn right!]
All I want is the pussy [pussy pussy pussy pussy..]
If you'd be good to me, [yeah, ho']
ohh I'll be good to you,
and we'll both ride home in my automobile [kick some more shit]
we'll both ride home in my automobile... [ah yeah]