The Greatest Man In America

Moxy Fruvous





Coming from Canada, we love those leaders who pesonify the US way to be,

There was JFK, and LBJ, and WKRP.

But of all of these there is not one to rival the greatest genius of them all

He's a megalo with a healthy glow

He's the man called Rush Limbaugh.

He's a dose of P.T. Barnum

With a Mussolini twist.

There in the limosine, parked on the lawn,

He's a goofy Gengis Khan.

Not since Jesus Christ has the world seen someone

With such widely sindicated views

Hundreds of years from now they'll celebrate Rush-mas

And Rush-ashana for the Jews.

'Cause he'll pull the plug on femi-nazis, paranoid minorities and gays.

He's a burning bush with a network push,

Sure to start a country-wide blaze.

He taught me to love and praise Charlton Heston

Oliver North is quite a nice man too.

Forget Al and Tipper

Let's bring back the Gipper

And Joe McCarthy too!

I was a troubled soul, consumed by voices advocating special interest groups and vice

'Till Rush rushed to my sweet rescue

Now I'll never ever hafta think twice.

Never ever hafta think twice...

So we'll sign a check for Limbaugh-ism

Restore the moral fundamental core

We'll cut the debt,

And start a Tet

Offensive on the poor.

It's a blitzkrieg in the making,

It's distinctly upper-class (well, not everybody!)

Yes sir I'll get the door

Roll the carpet on the floor

For a man...

For a man...

For a man...

Such a man...

For a man....

With his head up his-





Ask us the name the name of the King - It's Rush!