Air-conditioned Love


am a savage besmitten with her

The loneliest werewolf, I wander the earth

My words are mistakes and my thoughts are unclean

This cider inside me, it slides like a dream

The moon of her window, it glows evermore

The night wrapped around us, two spoons in a drawer

I miss her dark blankets, I miss her clean sheets

All her Julietting, coquettish and sweet


Make me hold you

But then I'm just a ghost

Air-conditioned love

Is always cold

I enter her room and it smells like before

Like rain and vanilla, she closes the door

The movement, the blurring, the echoing ache

Of slow disappearing and smearing away

But now I'm a thief, I'm a transient freak

A discarded object, I'm hated and weak

She's hollowed my chest and I've haunted her street

That ravenous princess, she's ravaged through me