The Silent Mermaid


I am a mermaid in love with a man

So I was punished, my tongue was cut off

I can sing no more but I talk with tears

Pain fills my heart drown in fear.

I spend my time gazing at ships passing by

Looking for my beloved among the crew

I swim towards him 'till he looks at me

Hoping he will guess my desire.


If I only could sing

I would have his heart

In my hand.

He would be caught

In the spell

Cast by my melody.


(but) I'm a silent Mermaid

I'm mute forevermore

Even if I weep

I wont be heard.

I am eager to save from a wreck

My dear sailor to be close to him

In a tight embrace we will reach the shore

I will not let him leave me alone.

It's hard to remember how long I have been

Waiting for my lucky day to come

Though I have no voice

My lips hope to kiss

And my heart is filled