Who and local health authorities contradict their own data concepts
March eleven twenty twenty engineered economic depression global coup d′état
The Pandemic was launched by the who on March eleven twenty twentyLeading to the lockdown
And closure of the national economies of 190 out of 193 countries
Member states of the united nations
The instructions came from above, from wall street
The world economic forum, the billionaire foundations
This diabolical project is casually described
By the corporate media as a humanitarian endeavor
The international community has a responsibility to protect
Remember that one before they bombed everyone
An unelected private public partnership
Under the auspices of the world economic forum
Has come to the rescue of planet Earth's 7 point 8 billion people
The closure of the global economy is presented as a means to killing the virus
Sounds absurd
Close down the real economy of planet Earth is not the solution
But rather the cause of a process of worldwide destabilization and impoverishment
Why don′t we just call a spade what a spade is
We're being fucking exterminated
The national economy combined with political, social and cultural institutions
Is the basis for the reproduction of real life
Income, employment, production, trade, infrastructure, social services
Destabilizing the economy of planet Earth cannot constitute a solution
To combating the virus
But that is the supposed imposed solution which they want us to believe in
And that is what they are doing
Economic Warfare
Destabilizing in one fell swoop the national economies of more 190 countries
Is an act of economic warfare
This diabolical agenda undermines the sovereignty of national states
It impoverishes people worldwide
Leads to a spiraling dollar denominated global debt
The powerful structures of global capitalism
Big money coupled with the intelligence and military apparatus are the driving force
Using advanced digital technology
The lockdown and economic closure of the global economy is unprecedented
This simultaneous intervention in 190 countries derogates democracy
It undermines the sovereignty of nation states worldwide
Without the need for military intervention
It's an advanced system of an economic war
Which overshadows other forms of war before
Global governance scenarios world government in the post covid era
The March eleven twenty twenty lockdown project uses lies and deception
To ultimately impose a worldwide totalitarian regime
Entitled global governance by unelected officials
In the words of David Rockefeller
The world is now more sophisticated and prepared
To march towards a world government
The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers
Is surely preferable to the national auto determination practiced in past centuries
Quoted by Aspen Times August fifteenth twenty eleven emphasis added
The global governance scenario imposes an agenda
Of social engineering and economic compliance
It constitutes an extension of the neoliberal policy framework imposed on both Developing and developed countries
It consists in scrapping national auto determination and constructing a worldwide nexus
Of pro US proxy regimes controlled by a supranational sovereignty
World government composed of leading financial institutions, billionaires
And their philanthropic foundations
See Michel Chossudovsky, global capitalism
World government and the corona crisis, May first twenty twenty
Simulating Pandemics
The Rockefeller foundation proposed the use of scenario planning
As a means to carry out global governance
For further details, see Michel Chossudovsky, May first twenty twenty
In the Rockefeller′s 2010 report entitled scenarios
For the future of technology and international development area
Scenarios of global governance
And the actions to be taken in the case of a worldwide pandemic are contemplated
More specifically the report envisaged the simulation of a lock step scenario
Including a global virulent influenza strain
The 2010 Rockefeller report was published
In the immediate wake of the 2009 H1N1 swine flu strain
Another important simulation was carried out on October eighteenth twenty nineteen
Less than 3 months before SARS 2 was identified in early January 2020
Event 201 was held
Under the auspices of the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security
Sponsored by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
And the World Economic Forum
For details see Michel Chossudovsky
March first twenty twenty look it up on global research
Intelligence and the art of deception
The covid crisis is a sophisticated instrument of the power elites
It has all the features of a carefully planned intelligence op
Using deception and counter deception
Leo Strauss viewed intelligence is a means for policymakers
To attain and justify policy goals
Not to describe the realities of the world
And that is precisely what they are doing in relation to covid 19
The Event 201 pandemic exercise October eighteenth twenty nineteen surprise
Focusses on the extent of the pandemic
Also addresses within the simulation
How do deal with online social media and so called misinformation
Listen carefully
Macro economic intervention evolution of the global economy
History of economic shock treatment
From the structural adjustment program SAP to global adjustment GA
The March eleventh twenty twenty simultaneous closing down
Of the national economies of 190 member states of the UN
Is a diabolical and unprecedented event
Millions of people have lost their jobs, and their lifelong savings
In developing countries, poverty, famine and despair prevail
While this model of global intervention is unprecedented
It has certain features reminiscent of the country level macro economic reforms
Including the imposition of strong economic medicine by the IMF
To address this issue let us examine the history of so called economic shock treatment
Flash back to Chile, September eleventh nineteen seventy three
Michel Chossudovsky speaking of he as a visiting professor
At the Catholic University of Chile
I lived through the military coup directed
Against the democratically elected government of Salvador Allende
It was a CIA op led by Secretary of State Henry Kissinger
Coupled with devastating macro economic reforms
In the month following the coup d′etat
The price of bread increased from 11 to 40 escudos overnight
The engineered collapse of both real wages and employment
Under the Pinochet dictatorship
Was conducive to a nationwide process of impoverishment
While food prices had skyrocketed
Wages had been frozen
To ensure economic stability and stave off inflationary pressures
From day one to the next
An entire country had been precipitated into abysmal poverty
In less than a year the price of bread in Chile increased thirty-six times
And eighty five percent of the Chilean population had been driven
Below the poverty line
That was Chile's 1973 reset
Two and a half years later in 1976
I returned to Latin America as a visiting professor
At the National University of Cordoba
In the northern industrial heartland of Argentina
My stay coincided with another military coup d′état in March 1976
Behind the massacres and human rights violations
Free market macro economic reforms had also been prescribed
This time under the supervision of Argentina's New York creditors, including David Rockefeller
Who was a friend of the Junta′s minister of economy José Alfredo Martinez
Chile and Argentina were dress rehearsals for things to come
The imposition of the IMF world bank structural adjustment programs
Imposed on more than 100 countries starting in the early 1980s
See Michel Chossudovsky
Yhe globalization of poverty and the new world order, global research 2003
A notorious example of the free market
Peru in August 1990 was punished for not conforming to IMF diktats
The price of fuel was hiked up 31 times
And the price of bread increased more than twelve times in a single day
These reforms carried out in the name of democracy were far more devastating
Than those applied in Chile and Argentina under the fist of military rule
And now on March eleventh twenty twenty
We enter a new phase of macro economic destabilization
Which is more devastating and destructive
Than 40 years of shock treatment and austerity measures
Imposed by the IMF on behalf of dominant financial interests
There is rupture, a historical break as well as continuity
It's neoliberalism to the ninth degree
Closure of the global economy
Economic and social impacts on the level of the entire planet
Compare what is happening to the global economy today
With the country by country negotiated macro economic measures
Imposed by creditors under the structural adjustment program
The March eleventh twenty twenty global adjustment
Was not negotiated with national governments
It was imposed by a private public partnership, supported by media propaganda
And accepted, invariably by co-opted and corrupt politicians
There they be
Engineered social inequality and impoverishment the globalization of poverty
Compare the March eleventh twenty twenty global adjustment guidelines
Affecting the entire planet to Chile September eleventh nineteen seventy three
In a bitter irony, the same big money interests behind the 2020 global adjustment
Were actively involved in Chile in 1973 and Argentina in 1976
Remember operation condor and the dirty war
Guerra Sucia
There is continuity
The same powerful financial interests
The IMF and the world bank bureaucracies are currently involved
In preparing and managing the post pandemic new normal
Debt operations on behalf of the creditors under the great reset
Henry Kissinger was involved in coordinating
Chile′s nine one one nineteen seventy three reset
The following year in 1974 he was in charge
Of the drafting of the national strategic security memorandum 200
Which identified depopulation
As the highest priority in US foreign policy towards the third world
Today Henry Kissinger is a firm supporter alongside the gates foundation
Which is also firmly committed to depopulation
Of the great reset under the auspices of the world economic forum WEF
No need to negotiate with national governments or carry out regime change
The March eleventh twenty twenty project constitutes a global adjustment
Which triggers bankruptcies
Unemployment and privatization on a much larger scale affecting
In one fell swoop the national economies of more than 150 countries
And this whole process is presented to public opinion
As a means to combating the killer virus
Which, according to the CDC and the WHO is similar to seasonal influenza a and b
The hegemonic power structure of global capitalism look this shit up
Big money including the billionaire foundations are the driving force
It's a complex alliance of wall street and the banking establishment
Big Oil and Energy
The so-called defense contractors, big pharma, the biotech conglomerates
The corporate media, the telecom, communications and digital technology giants
Together with a network of think tanks, lobby groups, research labs, etc
The ownership of intellectual property also plays a central role
This complex decision making network involves major creditor and banking institutions
The federal reserve, the European central bank
The IMF, the world bank, the regional development banks
And the Basel bank bank for international settlements, which plays a key strategic role
In turn, the upper echelons of the US State apparatus
And Washington's western allies are directly or indirectly involved
Including the pentagon, US Intelligence and its research labs
The health authorities, homeland security and the US state department
Including US embassies in over 150 countries
Ongoing wealth appropriation by the super rich
V the virus is said to be responsible for the wave of bankruptcies and unemployment
That′s a lie there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables
It′s the powerful financiers and billionaires, who are behind this
Decision making project which has contributed
To the destabilization worldwide of the real economy
In the course of the last nine months, they've cashed in on billions of dollars
Between April and July the total wealth held by billionaires around the worlds
Grown from 8 to 10 (Trillion)
In fact it is the largest redistribution of global wealth in world history
It′s predicated on a systematic process of worldwide impoverishment
It's an act of economic warfare
The billionaires were not only the recipients of generous government stimulus packages
The bulk of their financial gains
From the outset of the covid fear campaign in early February
Was the result of insider trading, foreknowledge
Derivative trade and manipulation of both financial and commodity markets
Financial weapons of mass destruction