A Mansion In Darkness (Terjemahan)

King Diamond

THEME: Andy.

Riding up the alley in the rain
Naik gang di tengah hujan
No lights to show the way
Tidak ada lampu untuk menunjukkan jalan
How could this ever be their home
Bagaimana ini bisa menjadi rumah mereka?
Through the darkness You could only see
Melalui kegelapan Anda hanya bisa melihat
A giant shadow wich was to be
Bayangan raksasa yang seharusnya
A house where evil ruled at night
Sebuah rumah di mana kejahatan memerintah di malam hari
And the shadows at the gate, they seemed to be alive
Dan bayangan di gerbang, mereka tampak hidup
Yeah the shadows at the gate, Alive
Ya bayangan di gerbang, Alive
Everything inside was left untouched
Segala sesuatu di dalamnya tidak tersentuh
Except for what the rats had got
Kecuali apa yang didapat tikus
And the dust of time that showed its mark
Dan debu waktu yang menunjukkan tandanya
Armed with candlelight and open eyes
Berbekal cahaya lilin dan mata terbuka
Through the dark they fought their way
Melalui kegelapan mereka berjuang dengan cara mereka
Til every room was lit again...Again
Sampai setiap ruangan menyala lagi...Lagi
And the house began to breathe, it seemed to be alive
Dan rumah itu mulai bernafas, sepertinya hidup
Yeah the house began to breathe, Alive
Ya rumah mulai bernafas, Hidup

As the candlelight began to fade
Saat cahaya lilin mulai memudar
And Jonathan said Let's go to bed
Dan Jonathan berkata Ayo tidur
The fireplace had ceased to burn...Burn
Perapian telah berhenti menyala...Bakar
Both were fast asleep before the dawn, Dreaming...Dreaming
Keduanya tertidur lelap sebelum fajar, Dreaming...Mimpi
And they did not know about the shadow
Dan mereka tidak tahu tentang bayangan
Yeah the shadow on the wall, it really came alive
Ya bayangan di dinding, itu benar-benar menjadi hidup
Yeah the shadow on the wall, Sunrise!
Ya bayangan di dinding, Sunrise!
SOLO: Mike.