The Little Engine That Could

John Denver

This song was first released on the All Aboard! album. It is the only album it has been released on.

There was a little railroad train with loads and loads of toys

All starting out to find a home with little girls and boys

And as that little railroad train began to chug along

The little engine up in front was heard to sing this song

Choo, choo, choo, choo

Choo, choo, choo, choo

I feel so good today

Oh hear the track

Oh clickety clack

I¡¯ll go my merry way

The little train went rousing on so fast it seemed to fly

Until it reached a mountain that went almost to the sky

The Little engine moaned and groaned and huffed and puffed away

But halfway to the top it just gave up and seemed to say

I can¡¯t go

I can¡¯t go

I¡¯m weary as can be

I can¡¯t go

I can¡¯t go

This job is not for me

The toys got out to push but all in vain alas alack

And then a great big engine came a whistling down the track

They asked if it would kindly pull them up the mountain side

But with a high and mighty sneer it scornfully replied I

Don¡¯t bother me

Don¡¯t bother me

To pull the likes of you

Don¡¯t bother me

Don¡¯t bother me

I¡¯ve better things to do

The toys all started crying ¡¯cause that engine was so mean

And then there came another one, the smallest ever seen

And though it seemed that she could hardly pull herself along

She hitched on to the train and as she pulled she sang this song

I think I can

I think I can

I think I have a plan

And I can do most anything

If I only think I can

Then up that great big mountain with the cars all full of toys

And soon they reached the waiting arms of little girls and boy

And though that ends the story it will do you lots of good

To take a lesson from the little engine that could

Just think you can

Just think you can

Just have that understood

And very soon you¡¯ll start to say

I always knew I could

I knew I could

I knew I cou

Daftar lirik lagu John Denver