Home Is Where The Heart Is

John Butler Trio

Hard working people from another land

looking for a little more

Coming to this country for a helping hand

You know they sail their ships upon these shores

And they are lookin for a freedom

that most of us don't appreciate

But you know man we can't let them in

Cos the government's full of racial hate

And then they got the nerve to say

They be takin our culture away

even though our ancestors tried to do the same to the Aborigine

Seems strange to me man strange to me

Don't it seem strange to you

That a country founded on immigration

is so damned racist too

And i say Home

Home is where the heart is

yeah Home

And then they got the nerve to say

they be takin our jobs away

Even though half the jobs that we're working for

are owned from overseas

and the other half of the companies

Yes Yes that they say that we rightly own

They operate on aisle three third world

That's right yeah the sweat shop zone

And I say I don't know what's going on

Don't know what the hell to say

The government decides on letting refugees in

and when they get here yes they are detained

And i don't know what's going on

Don't know the reason why

We live in an educated so called democracy

Where everybody decides to believe in lies

Believe in lies

Home is where the heart is yeah
