One Trick Pony

Holly Cole

One trick pony one trick

Is all that horse can do

He does one trick only

It's the principal source of his revenue

Steps in the spotlight feel the heat

Of his heart come rising through

See how he dances

See how he loops from side to side

See how he prances

The way his hoofs just seem to glide

He's just, just a one trick pony that's how he is

But he turns that trick with pride

He makes it look so easy

He looks so clean

He moves like one of the gods

Immaculate machines

He makes me think about

All these extra moves I make

All of the herky jerky motion

And the bag of tricks it takes

To get me through my working day

He's a one trick pony

He's a one trick pony

He either fails or he succeeds

He gives his testimony

Then he relaxes in the week

He's got one trick to last a lifetime.

That's all a pony needs

One trick pony

One trick pony

One trick pony

One trick pony