Falling in Love


When uh, you fall in love
It′s much more serious involving
You just cannot forget this personYou feel miserable, when not in their presence
You're always yearning let′s get, uh
See more of eachother
Let's get together, let's uh
We′re completely entagled

Then you see you′ve actually
A kind of what I would call
Spiritual element has been introduced
Falling in love

We don't know how really
People obtain this type of vision
But as yet, we are not clear
As to why it comes above
And if there is any method of attaining it
The best one is probably
To give up the whole idea of getting it

But you see
It is completely unpredictable
And so it is in that way
Capricious, and therefore precious

We don′t say "rising into love"
There is in it the idea of the "fall"
And uh it is, goes back
As a matter of fact to extremely fundamental things
There, there is always a curious tie at some point
Between the fall and the creation