Mommy Help!


Mommy help, protect me from reality

Tell me it's a dream about bestiality

Mommy please, just one more bedtime story

In which the good guys have the glory


Mommy is it really true? All these cruel things we do

Will I do such things when I am full-grown?

Will you protect me or am I in this alone?

Daddy, you're the strongest man on earth

Held away the demons since my birth

But outside in the streets, those demons are the law

And I can't find your stories' heroes anymore


Daddy is it really true? All these cruel things we do

Will I do such things when I am full-grown?

Will you protect me or am I in this alone?

Daddy, today someone told me, many men are stronger then you

Mommy, today someone told me, not all your stories are true