We Killed It

Give Up The Ghost

Stars lead the way home then the sidewalks ending

And I don't recall why we're still pretending

Turn myself in for crimes I didn't commit

I needed to feel truly innocent

There was a song and I forget the name of it

It seemed sincere and this is kind of how it went

"It's one of those nights when you're

not sure who the real you is anymore"

Generations can be whatever they want to

It's mid-afternoon and I'll be leaving soon

Survivors are few and far between,

between two parked cars headed for anywhere

cause anywhere is better than here

And in the ride, I become aware I'm probably not going anywhere

It's one of those nights when you're not sure who the real 'you' is anymore

I said that I would end myself but I think too much about family, you see

I need to see if I can bask in a different world

This is my swan song to my criminal boys and girls

And no one really loves us as the sun does fall

And a fact without no truth just isn't fact at all

I want out of here, I need to find the stars

but the sky's hiding them as we are ashamed of what we've ruined

The words I write stuttered the times I spoke

I've never been too close with love, life, trust and faith

I need out of here, I need a head clear

I know my voice isn't great but at least it's sincere

We are so conditioned to fall

It's sad the song of the year is still nothing at all