Men Are So Busy

Ever Call Ready

Quickly the days that are numbered pass by

Quickly the days of God's judgement draws nigh

So heedless of danger we're living today

God's love and mercy we're throwing away

Men are so busy

With worldly achievments

The mercy of Jesus

They daily downtrod

God in his Heaven

He must look down in pity

On those who have carelessley

Forgotten their God

Well he warned of the dangers that lie in their path

They heed not his mercy and kindle God's wrath

The pleasure of this world is their only care

For where you have pleasure their hearts will be there

Men are so busy

With worldly achievments

The mercy of Jesus

They daily downtrod

God in his Heaven

He must look down in pity

On those who have carelessley

Forgotten their God


He said that his kingdom was not of this world

So what is the profit of silver and gold

So cheap it will seem on that great judgement day

Whebe fire and great heat will melt it away

Men are so busy

With worldly achievments

The mercy of Jesus

They daily downtrod

God in his Heaven

He must look down in pity

On those who have carelessley

Forgotten their God