The Loss And Curse Of Reverence


Memories of torment strikes me

Attemps were made to suffocate me at birth


I was already ancient

Thou can not kill what breeds within Thee

Alas, this agony

The emptiness of earthborn pride

Hath stirred my faithful heart

Which guided me to darker paths

Far away from their pestilent ways

Cleansed was I from deceitful grace

Yet, put to scorn was I

By those unclean

Enslaved by ignorance

They blindly spat upon the deity of hate

Awake is the darkest fiend

By the fallen one I shall arise

Upon bewildered masses

To whom the indulgence of my soul

Portray as sin made god

I shall revile and quell the source

Whence mockery of my kind derive

This I know

Facile shalt my quest not come to pass

Deathwish be my gift to all at last


Commended no linger as virtue

Yet, shalt be extolled by light¡s demise

By the fallen one I shall arise


Speak not to me of justice

For none have I ever seen

By God, I shall give as I receive


Speak not to me at all

You and this world ripped my fucking heart out

Again... and again... and again...