Make It Last


Why did you run I'll always let leave

You arne't the first to hit and run away from me

As I bounce along the open road

I'm outnumbered and alone

I'm over the moon in ways you won't believe

You say it's too soon for you to know what all this means

If I say that I want all you have

I just want it all back

And though we could have made it last

You've gotta do more than that

You've got to take all you have and pour and pour

You're never gonna see the light

You've got to leave now behind

You're never going to know whats right for what went wrong

So ignore all the facts

And come running straight back to me to me

It's not a wall you've only me to beat

So you took it all and made it far away from me

Now you're out of sight behind these eyes

And you will stay there all my life