You're A SweetheartDolly Dawn(Harold Adamson, Lyrics by Jimmy McHugh)Words of praise in a well turned phrase never seem to spring from my heart,I'm nev-er one who reach-es for sen-ti-men-tal speech-es;I'm not versed and I'm not re-hearsed in the kind of words that are smart,Still I can speak sin-cere-lyand tell you just as clear-ly.Chorus:You're A Sweet-heart if there ev-er was one,If there ev-er was one it's you.Life with-out you was an in-com-plete dream,You are ev-'ry sweet dream come true.-My search was such a blind oneand I was all at sea,I nev-er thought I'd find one quite so per-fect for me,You're a Swwet-heart if there ev-er was one,If there ev-er was one it's you (chorus repeats)Lyrics submitted byRick Reublin, from the
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