Mr. Hickerson


Hickerson went to Nam, he was drafted by Uncle Sam

They trained him well, he gave them hell

And he came back OK

Hickerson went to Ukraine, the sugar price was insane

He helped a drunk, who was a punk

Now he could drink coffee

There he would meet his wife, he'd settle down his life

He said “no prob”, he took the job

Now we can learn history

Don't give him any sass, he'll keep you after class

Be on time, and you'll be fine

As long as you do the DNA

He's got better things to do, than go to a party for you

There's college class, he'll say “I'll pass”

Don't even bother to ask

Because Hickerson's the teach, say good-bye to free speech

If you're quiet, he will buy it

And you can leave on time

But there's just one catch, in Nam they called him stretch

That name and “dude”, he will find rude

So simply call him……….Mr. H