Veils Of Maya


In Maya's grip illusion transforms verity

Perceiving thus a delusive world of duality

Veil of Maya

Balance every joy with a grief

Dual scales of Maya

Earth's unending law of polarity

Ahamkara...veil of Maya

Illusion works impenetrable

Weaving webs innumerable

Her gay pictures never fail

Crowd each other veil on veil

Charmer who will be believed

By man who thirsts to be deceived

Maya subjects you

Veil of Maya

Chops and divides God's dream thoughts

The great divider

As we be subject to likes and disgust

Ahamkara...veil of Maya

Maya subjects you

Charmer who will be believed

By man who thirsts to be deceived

Veil of Maya

Balance every joy with a grief

Dual states of Maya

Earth's unending law of polarity

Veil of Maya

Chops and divides God's dream thoughts

The great divider

As we be subject to likes and disgust

Ahamkara...veil of Maya