The 4th Phase


If your love is marred by anger

perhaps it wears a mask

and underneath those hollow eyes

a prisoner is cast

but grief will buy you nothing

and pity a little less

open up the cage you carry and release yourself from this

once we have a promise

twice we have a curse

three times is impossible

and four times even worse

once we have an accident

twice we have a fault

three times is delinquent

and four times is the fall

I will stay here

if you believe

I will remain

if you believe

If time and tide refuse to wait

remind them who they are

each second drained from the hour-glass

is born a distant star

and sorrow is not reaching out

its only lying in your heart

so if you're sailing in unhappy seas

bid the storms depart

but grief will buy you nothing

and pity a little less

open up the cage you carry and release yourself from this

once we have a promise

twice we have a curse

three times is impossible

and four times even worse

once we have an accident

twice we have a fault

three times is delinquent

and four times is the fall

I will stay here

if you believe

I will remain

if you believe

when I sleep I dream in billions of colors...

billions of colors, am I not real?

If time and tide refuse to wait

remind them who they are

each second drained from the hour-glass

is born a distant star

when birds are bent in windy skies

the foolish ones will land

live each moment with a savored taste

look beyond the mind of man

but grief will buy you nothing

and pity a little less

open up the cage you carry and release yourself from this