Sheep Farming In The Falklands


Sheep farming in the Falklands, re-arming in the fucklands

Fucking sheep in the homelands, her majesty's forces are coming

Sheep farming in the Falklands, re-arming in the fucklands

Fucking sheep in the homelands, her majesty's forces are coming

Sheep farming in the Falklands, re-arming in the fucklands

Fucking sheep in the homelands, her majesty's forces are coming

Fuck off to the Falklands for your sea-faring fun

Big man's jerk off dreamland, looking down the barrel of a gun

Friggin' in the riggin' another imperialist farce

Another page of British history to wipe the national arse

The royals donated Prince Andrew as a show of their support

Was it just luck the only ship that wasn't struck was the one on which he fought?

Three cheers for good old Andy, let's take a pic for his mum

And stick it up the royal, stick it up the royal, stick it up the royal album

Sheep farming in the Falklands, re-arming in the fucklands

Fucking sheep in the homelands, her majesty's forces are coming

Onward Thatcher's soldiers, it's your job to fight...

"And, you know, I don't really give a toss if the cause is wrong or right,

My political neck means more to me than the lives of a thousand men,

If I felt it might be of use to me I'd do it all over again.

The Falklands was really a coverup job to obscured the mistakes I've made,

And you know I think gamble I took could certainly be said to have paid.

With unemployment at an all-time high and the country falling apart

I, Winston Thatcher, reign supreme in this great nations' heart."

Sheep farming in the Falklands, re-arming in the fucklands

Fucking sheep in the homelands, her majesty's forces are coming

While the men who fought her battles are still expected to suffer

Thatcher proves in parliament that she's just a fucking nutter

The iron lady's proved her metal, has struck with her fist of steel

Has proved that a heart that is made out of lead is a heart that doesn