Muckle John



Follow the King of muse and fancy

See the brightly coloured one

Bells and whimsy sights entrancing

Dance with Muckle John


You know me as Muckle John

A Jester in the finest Court

A man of mirth and whimsy fine

Come see what I have wrought


I entertain the Court tonight

The noble folk are gathering

If the King he smiles, a happy night

His frown much sorrow brings


My little tricks bring them delight

They love to watch my charm and skill

Coil of shoe, bells so bright

My magic makes them love me still



Twenty Years ago I came to Court

My craft to learn at masters hand

I sorrow for what is to come

No students come to join my band


I am the last one of my kind

No more the Courts the Jesters want

They have new games to bring delight

New Charms to dwell upon

Pardon me now while I dance for my Master

My tierd bones must gad about

To bring a smile as the music, faster

Turns my magic out





Dance with Muckle John

Dance with Muckle John