Freedom Is Slavery

Closet Monster

i'm free to choose between pepsi and coke. isn't life here swell?

i'm free to buy fashionable trendy sweatshop clothes. oh yeah. free

to consume lives, free to vote reform, free to get peper sprayed

the democratic way. oh boy. free to pay more for water than for gas

but more for gas than rice to feed the world. free to bow to your

god thet chains and enslaves, oh blissful day, oh boy. free to learn

in schools that teach it wrong. not free to stand naked on my own

porch. yet i'm free to live and own land that's soaked in dead

native tears sweat and blood. oh yeah. free to subsidize tyrannical

corporate machines and then free to enterprise against them

and fail. free to trade taxes for nukes to help police the world, if not

i'm free to not pass go and free to go to jail. god bless our

country, president and pope. Srg. pepper has a knife against our
