Concrete Timeline


setting off, the streets unwind

this concrete timeline

clears my mind and sight

trading off the routine i walk

for open roads

and unforeseen challenge

and the seam will come undone

settle in at highway speed

i'd rather face unknows

behind the wheel

combing out the tangled thoughts

a realease is only natural

it holds me up

comb out

tangled thoughts we store

trace out

what's to come

bring it on

lost all sense of time

(will it rewind the time for us)

a hundred miles away

keeping track of days

through scenery passing me by

living comfortably

(the scenery marks the time for us)

the warmth of a cold floor

a hundred miles away

yet somehow it still feels like home

count down where I've been

escape rewards me now

translate what I've seen

rewards banish doubts

I'm living well these days

feel comfort in this rolling home

a feeling like I've never know exists

keep pushing on

I'll hold these days forever